Sunday 7 November 2010

INCA project - C.O.P.-CitizensOnPatrol

This is the page that represents the URL of the Android application that I have submitted to INCA Award (Innovative and Creative Application Award) . I have participated with the Android application C.O.P. - Citizens on Patrol.

Please remember that this is an Android application (mobile application). See below on how to install this application on your Android phone.

The current edition focuses on the ‘inclusive society’ in the broadest sense: applications that contribute to overcoming exclusion, and improving economic performance, employment opportunities, quality of life, social participation and cohesion. This application’s category falls under social participation

C.O.P. - Citizens on Patrol lets you take part in your local community and look after your city. It´s our individual responsibility to keep our home and neighbourhood clean. This application allows citizens to report several problems to your local City Hall such as damaged roads, dumped garbage, blocked drains or flooding derived from it, non-functioning street lighs, abandoned cars and graffiti amongst others. You can also check on situations that were reported by fellow citizens. We hope to make our world a better place to live in!

Since this is an application prototype to INCA award project, your report won´t be sent to your local City Hall. When C.O.P. is fully functional and we have a partnership with several City Halls, your report will be forward to the responsible people.

With C.O.P. you can have several options:
* You can report abnormal situations by pin pointing them on the map.
* You can just send a message to your City Hall.
* Is your report been looked at? What are others reporting?
* City Hall's stats
* More information about your local City Hall (website)

the url of the app's video

If the url of the video on DropBox doesn't work, please use the following link:
and click on "Download anyway".

How to install
Since this is an Android application prototype (mobile application) you will need to install the apk's file in your Android.

You should first install the appropriate Android software in order to use C.O.P. - Citizens on Patrol. - This app has not been released yet on Android's market.

Instructions on how to install the apk file on your Android phone:

You can find the apk file of C.O.P. - Citizens on Patrol, in:

Sunday 3 October 2010

INCA Award

Hello again :)

Decided to participate in the INCA Award (Innovative and Creative Application Award) (ends on 8th November) with an Android application. Vânia told me about this challenge and since the AndroidPT Development challenge has ended, I've decided to participate in this one. Non-stop :D

Unfortunately the current INCA edition focuses on the ‘inclusive society’ in the broadest sense: applications that contribute to overcoming exclusion, and improving economic performance, employment opportunities, quality of life, social participation and cohesion. So I can't participate with Upps application - will have to think of something useful that focus on these points.

Really looking forward to put my hands on the project since I already have a couple of ideas in mind! :) I'll tell you all about it after 8th of November! :) (and that's one of the problems - the challenge ends in one month and i have a full-time job!!! :\ but i'm positive that things will work out and that i'll have a great app that contributes to overcoming exclusion by 8th of November.

Talk soon!


Monday 27 September 2010

bits and pieces

There are lots of bits and pieces of unfinished apps that are still waiting to be polished - as soon as I have time to get back to them, I'll post in here! :)

E.g. Barman app (XML parser) , Events app (SQLite), DateWid (widgets), ShakeIt (games), SunnyDay (google weather API), SoundLive (LiveWallpaper), Sueca (card game), …

meanwhile, just enjoy Upps! :)



I've participated in the Portuguese Android Developer Challenge with Upps app.

Brief description: (and video links below)

Upps - gone, misplaced, missing, hopelessly unattainable, disoriented, forgot, need to report or you're just where you are not supposed to be? Use Upps.

With Upps you can have several options:

(settings video)

*Dude, where´s my phone? video
- When your phone is lost or stolen you will be able to use someone else´s phone to retrieve your phone´s location, using your pin number as your code.

*Where´s Bob? video
- You´re in a crowded punk concert. You can´t find Bob! Use Upps to get his GPS location and track him down if he also has Upps.

*Here am I! video
- If you don´t want to automatically send your location upon request, you can mask your position with this option. Imagine Anna, your (soon about to be ex-)girlfriend, is requesting your position. You can mask your location and send her a false GPS location.

*Are we there yet? video
- You´re on a train and want to take a nap. What if you miss your stop? Let Upps warn you 1km from your stop, based on your GPS location.

*Bread crumbs video
- “Where did I park my car?” “I forgot again, where does Richard live? Is it this way?” “Where was that lovely coffee shop that we used to go in London?” Never forget where your little wonderful special places are.

*I´m coming!! video
- Sick of call rings? You´re going to the theatre with your friend. Automatically warn him that you are about to get there, based on your GPS location.

*Block my phone video
- You lost your mobile, you know somebody has it and can misuse it. You can send an encrypted code to your phone that will delete all your personal details, block all applications and prohibit any calls. If you can decrypt the code this feature will be disabled. (some of these features will be available in Upps v2.0)

(Warning for all options: your friend needs to have Upps installed too.)

Sunday 26 September 2010

Geek Girls Dinners - Apresentação sobre Android

You can find here a presentation that I did around android.
This is a ppt that I did for the girl geek dinner ( on 25th of September 2010